Thursday, February 4, 2016

What Diet is Best for Me?

    Okay so when you are first starting off with your health and fitness goal, it can be very confusing and stressful. Society makes it seem so much more complicated than it actually is! There are people telling each other what and when to eat and there are so many different "diets" people follow. There is high carb, paleo, weird coffee and tea diets, etc.
   The only thing you need to do is listen to your body. That is it. That does not mean if you are hungry to grab a bag a chips, but everyone's body is different. Some people's bodies need more carbs than protein and other people respond better to higher protein and fat. It just depends on your body. The best way to go when you are starting off is just eat balanced meals. Eat clean fruits and vegetables, a small portion of protein and grains and go from there. Also, eat when you are hungry. If you get hungry every hour, then eat! If you stay full for 4-5 hours then do that. Again, everybody is different. What works for you most likely does not work for your friends or even family members. Once you get used to listening to your body and eating clean whole foods, it is much easier to tell what your body needs. Also, do not deprive yourself of all unhealthy food! If you are at a party and really want a dessert, eat it! You just have to make sure you only have a small portion and eat it in moderation. Make sure you actually want it and you are not just mindlessly eating because it is sitting in front of you and it looks pretty. If you end up eating too much, it is okay! We are all human, just go right back to your good habits and remember how good your body feels physically and mentally when you make healthy choices. Remember, everything is healthy in moderation:)

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