Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Ways To Begin A Healthy Lifestyle in 2016!

So you've made your New Year's resolution to lose weight. Again. You decide to start exactly January 1st by getting up at 7 am and go on a morning jog. You also decide you will go on a major diet. No pizza, ice cream, or chocolate. Only fruits and vegetables. Your alarm clock rings at 7am. You look at your alarm, turn it off and think "Eh, there's always next year!"Lots of people make this mistake. They might be inspired to live a healthier lifestyle because they want to lose a lot of weight or they decide that they want to make their diet cleaner. But are they really committed?1. Be realistic. Decide what your goals are. If you would like to lose weight, realize it will take time and commitment. Fat doesn't magically disappear in 3 days. If you would like to try to be more active or eat healthier as your goal, it will take just as much commitment as losing weight.2. Start Slowly. Slow and steady wins the race! Start by making small changes. Start off by eating a healthy breakfast instead of just grabbing a poptart or skipping breakfast altogether. If you eat pizza every week that is fine for now, but maybe instead of eating two slices eat a slice with a side of steamed vegetables. As for workouts, start with low impact workouts. Just try to get some activity and movement throughout your week. Start off by taking a walk two to three times a week. Every little step counts!3. Work to improve your lifestyle. So you've cleaned up your diet a bit by eating a healthy breakfast and stay active during the week. Take it a step further! Slowly start replacing your junk food with healthier options. Even if it is just replacing your bag of chips at lunch with an apple. As you slowly make changes, you will feel the benefits and be motivated to change.4. Realize that what you put into your body is what you get out. If you have bad acne or oily hair, fatty greasy foods can cause this. If you limit the fatty foods and replace it with whole real foods, you most likely will see a difference quickly!5. It is okay to reach out for help! I think this is a very important step that lots of people need to realize. It is good to ask for help. Whether you ask for help by having a friend or family member help you,  hiring a nutritionist, dietitian, personal trainer, they want to help! That is their job an passion, they will be more than happy to help you. The internet is also one of the most helpful tools out there. Go on youtube and look up beginner workouts and google clean recipes. The internet is the most effective and motivating tool for me.6. Do not be hard on yourself. If you go a week without eating fast food, but then you slip up, it is okay! Forgive and forget. The next day go right back to your healthy habits. I think one of the hardest things about changing your lifestyle is yourself because you are your worst enemy.Hope these tips are helpful. They came right from the top of my head, so look out for new posts very soon. I am just getting started:) 

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