Friday, February 26, 2016

Beginner's Low Impact Workout ! Cardio & total Body Toning

The video is very helpful for beginners, especially since it demonstrates each of the exercise. This workout is kind of TABA style, 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off. This is great for cardio and toning your muscles all over your body. This routine is also good for people who are fit, but would like a low impact workout because of any injuries or you can use it for active rest.

1. squat with a front kick. Squat as far down as you can control and when you come up, kick with your foot. Alternate which leg you kick with each time you come up.

2. Front Lunges with a bicep curl. Do a regular lunge with good form, making sure your knee does not go past your foot and you can control your weight as you go down. As you go down, do a bicep curl.

3. Jumping jacks. Make sure you go as fast as you can. Contract both your upper and lower body to get more calorie burn and tone.

4. High knees. bring your knee up to your hip, make sure it is at a 90 degree angle. Bring the opposite arm up as well. Make sure to contract your muscles to get more out of the workout.

5. Plank walk downs. Start standing up and walk your hands down until you are in plank position. When you are in your plank, tap each shoulder with your hands and then walk your hands back up to standing position. This move is great because it works not only your legs and arms, but also your core.

Repeat this workout 2 or 3 more times.

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