Friday, February 26, 2016

Beginner's Low Impact Workout ! Cardio & total Body Toning

The video is very helpful for beginners, especially since it demonstrates each of the exercise. This workout is kind of TABA style, 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off. This is great for cardio and toning your muscles all over your body. This routine is also good for people who are fit, but would like a low impact workout because of any injuries or you can use it for active rest.

1. squat with a front kick. Squat as far down as you can control and when you come up, kick with your foot. Alternate which leg you kick with each time you come up.

2. Front Lunges with a bicep curl. Do a regular lunge with good form, making sure your knee does not go past your foot and you can control your weight as you go down. As you go down, do a bicep curl.

3. Jumping jacks. Make sure you go as fast as you can. Contract both your upper and lower body to get more calorie burn and tone.

4. High knees. bring your knee up to your hip, make sure it is at a 90 degree angle. Bring the opposite arm up as well. Make sure to contract your muscles to get more out of the workout.

5. Plank walk downs. Start standing up and walk your hands down until you are in plank position. When you are in your plank, tap each shoulder with your hands and then walk your hands back up to standing position. This move is great because it works not only your legs and arms, but also your core.

Repeat this workout 2 or 3 more times.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Vegetable Tomato Stir fry Recipe!

This is definitely one of my go to meals for lunch! It has whole grains, vegetables, and a lot of protien that will keep you full for a long time and give you a lot of energy. I hope you like recipes because I love sharing healthy desserts and meals that I create in the kitchen! All you need is:

-1/4 cup of brown rice(I just heated up leftover rice that was already made earlier)
-1/4 cup of black beans. You can either cook them yourself by soaking them or just by them in a can. Make sure if you buy canned beans they do not have any preservatives & wash them off. This will prevent digestion issues. (Being gassy haha)
-A mix of your favorite vegetables. I used green beans, peppers, onion & snap peas. You can work with whatever you have and your favorite combination. Or, if you are too lazy you can buy a mix of frozen vegetables and just defrost them (make sure they do not have preservatives though!)
- Next I added a variety of spices. Usually I add them in as I cook if I cook them on a stove. I add a lot of pepper, parsley leaves, basil, and Italian seasoning.
-Next add your tomato pasta sauce. Again, make sure it is pure tomato sauce and there is not sugar and other unnecessary things added.
-If you choose to microwave, mix everything together and cover your plate or bowl with a paper towel so the sauce does not splatter everywhere. If you cook on the stove, you can add the sauce as it is cooking and wait for the vegetables to turn a light brown so they will taste nice and crispy!
This meal is so easy to make,but a lot people think that healthy cooking takes too much work even though it doesn't. Hope you guys make this!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Easy & Clean Delicious Oatmeal Cookies!

These cookies are super delicious and 100% clean (unless you add chocolate chips!) They are chewy and have a kick of cinnamon to them. I also made a video on them if you would like a demonstration on how to make them.
Anyway, here are the ingredients.

Dry ingredients:

- 1 cup of oat flour (you can take raw oats and put them in a food processor if you do not have any)
- 1 1/2 cups of raw rolled oats
-1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
-1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
-2 tablespoons of cinnamon
-1/2 cup of nuts, seeds, dried fruit or dark chocolate chips
Stir the ingredients 

Wet Ingredients:

- 1/4 cup of applesauce
-1/2 cup of honey
-1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
-1 egg

Mix all of the ingredients so if forms a thick cookie dough. Preheat your oven to 330 degrees and refrigerate cookie dough for 15 minutes. 

Once the 15 minutes is up, lightly grease your cookie sheet and drop the dough onto the cookie sheet. 

Let cookies bake for 10-20 minutes on 350 until they are golden brown.

Take cookies out of the oven and wait for them to cool. Should take about 15-20 minutes.

These taste so good for being pretty healthy! They are healthier than most granola bars on the market since you know exactly what you are putting in the cookies and there is no processed ingredients.   

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What Diet is Best for Me?

    Okay so when you are first starting off with your health and fitness goal, it can be very confusing and stressful. Society makes it seem so much more complicated than it actually is! There are people telling each other what and when to eat and there are so many different "diets" people follow. There is high carb, paleo, weird coffee and tea diets, etc.
   The only thing you need to do is listen to your body. That is it. That does not mean if you are hungry to grab a bag a chips, but everyone's body is different. Some people's bodies need more carbs than protein and other people respond better to higher protein and fat. It just depends on your body. The best way to go when you are starting off is just eat balanced meals. Eat clean fruits and vegetables, a small portion of protein and grains and go from there. Also, eat when you are hungry. If you get hungry every hour, then eat! If you stay full for 4-5 hours then do that. Again, everybody is different. What works for you most likely does not work for your friends or even family members. Once you get used to listening to your body and eating clean whole foods, it is much easier to tell what your body needs. Also, do not deprive yourself of all unhealthy food! If you are at a party and really want a dessert, eat it! You just have to make sure you only have a small portion and eat it in moderation. Make sure you actually want it and you are not just mindlessly eating because it is sitting in front of you and it looks pretty. If you end up eating too much, it is okay! We are all human, just go right back to your good habits and remember how good your body feels physically and mentally when you make healthy choices. Remember, everything is healthy in moderation:)